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Tampa Bay

Inspiration Found From Brain Injury Victim

This morning, during my foray through social media and the news, I came across a YouTube video entitled: “Re-learning My Broken Memories, Inspirational Monologue - by Sam Way.” As an attorney who represents brain injury victims and enjoys sharing inspiration, the headline interested me. I clicked the link. The video opens to a young man, in his late teens, walking…

Tampa Bay

Florida Brain Injury Treatment Center Draws Scrutiny

For quite some time, the Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation (FINR) has been the talk of Wauchula, FL, and unfortunately the news hasn’t been favorable for this brain-injury center. Abuse, unacceptable employees conduct, and neglect of patients have all been familiar headlines and allegations over the past year. After hearing these accusations many patients have moved to other facilities to…

Tampa Bay

Expanded Benefits For Veterans With Brain Injury

For many soldiers, returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan is a time for celebration and coming together with their loved ones. However, a segment of our soldiers are not so fortunate and will return home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or Traumatic Brain Injuries.  Is our health care system prepared to deal with and assist victims of TBI within our…