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Tampa Bay

The Role of Assumption of the Risk In Sports-Related TBI’s

Florida’s famously warm and sunny climate allows residents to engage in sports and other outdoor activities year-round. As a result, many school-age children and adults alike keep busy and fit by engaging in both organized competitive and less formal “pick-up” games at local parks and recreational facilities. While sports can be a great way to stay fit and meet people…

Tampa Bay

Bicycle Accidents Can Cause Traumatic Brain Injuries and Long-Term Medical Issues

Florida’s famously mild climate allows residents and visitors to ride bicycles year-round, and you would be hard pressed to go a day without seeing a bicyclist on the streets of any given Florida city. While using a bicycle to get from place to place or simply for recreation is a healthy and cost-efficient activity, it also exposes riders to a…

Tampa Bay

What Types Of Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Be Caused At Birth?

Traumatic brain injuries (or TBIs) can have serious complications and cause challenges for victims at any age. However, some brain injury victims never get to experience life without brain damage and resulting medical conditions. This is because many types of brain injuries can occur during childbirth. If your child suffers a traumatic brain injury at birth, you will likely be…