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TBI Attorneys in Tampa

Traumatic Brain Injuries: Causes and Your Career

The human brain is one of the world’s most complex structures, manmade or otherwise. Despite generations of neurologists dedicating their lives to the study of this natural marvel, science is far from unlocking all its mysteries. Accordingly, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can be amongst the most severe injuries you can suffer in a car accident, as an injury to the…

Brain Injury Lawyers in Tampa Bay

Common Terms Associated with TBI

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) may seem relatively straightforward - after all, it is an injury to the brain caused by trauma. However, a TBI is a highly complex injury that has many different types, degrees of severity, causes, and effects on victims. No two brain injuries are exactly alike and identifying the location of the injury on the brain,…

TBI Attorneys in Tampa Bay

The Long-Term Effects of Multiple Concussions

Although most concussions and other mild traumatic brain injuries completely resolve themselves relatively quickly, the effects of multiple concussions can be significant and can lead to long-term cognitive and physical deficiencies. The long-term effects of concussions - like brain injuries of all kinds - do not always follow a predictable course. Nonetheless, multiple concussions have long been thought to contribute…

TBI Lawyers in St. Petersburg

Long-Term Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Guest post by berkmyer.com Many different accidents such as car crashes, sports injuries, and falls can result in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).1 A TBI happens when damage occurs to the tissue of the brain, usually due to trauma. Brain injuries can range from mild (like a concussion) to very severe and even fatal. While mild TBIs often resolve with a…

TBI Attorneys in Tampa

Severe TBIs Can Cost Victims Millions of Dollars

Millions of people are affected by traumatic brain injuries1 (TBIs) each year. These injuries can occur for a variety of reasons, including car accidents, truck accidents, slip and falls, sports accidents, and many others. When their injuries are severe, brain injury victims can often incur medical expenses that are well beyond what they would be capable of paying out of…

TBI Lawyers in Florida

Winter Sports and Traumatic Brain Injuries

As a Florida native, “winter sports” may not have much meaning to you. After all, with our famously temperate climate, people in Florida can typically enjoy outdoor activities all year. In fact, it is not uncommon to see people biking, running, and even people surfing in the middle of winter in certain parts of the state. Many Floridians, however, enjoy…

Tampa Bay

Higher Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury Among the Homeless Population

We have previously discussed the varying symptoms of traumatic brain injury- ranging from changes in the brain injury victim’s ability to understand and absorb new information or remember previously learned information, to less obvious emotional symptoms like mood swings and depression. Recently, the media has focused on the emotional impact of TBI in discussing the suicides of former NFL player…

Tampa Bay

Should Boxing be Banned in Light of Brain Injury Concerns?

Recently there has been a lot of focus in the media on dangers associated with playing professional sports- particularly regarding the risks and dangers of traumatic brain injury. There are risks associated with participating in high contact sports like football and hockey. Recently, developments in the area of TBI research have caused professional boxing to come under some scrutiny as…

Tampa Bay

Mild TBI Can Result in Destruction of Soft Tissue

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries affect your life in many ways, but TBI has also been linked to the death of brain tissue after the initial impact. Dr. Sergei Kirov is a neuroscientist at the Medical College of Georgia Regents University, and his latest work has related to researching the damage that a head injury can cause to the brain in…

Tampa Bay

Winter Sports and Brain Injury

It is very common to hear about concussions when discussing football or a recent auto accident, but many forget that snowboarders and skiers are just as susceptible to head injuries. Concussions are the most common injury that snowboarders face when riding but for them, they would prefer a concussion over a broken bone. These young adults see head injuries as…