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TBI Lawyers in Florida

Brain Injuries Can Occur in Surprising Ways

When people think of traumatic brain injuries,1 they often think of accidents like car or truck crashes, serious bicycle accidents, or other incidents that often leave victims in the hospital. While it is certainly true that these types of accidents can often result in serious TBIs, they can also occur in surprisingly common and seemingly minor accidents as well. In…

Brain Injury Lawyers in Tampa Bay, Florida

Brain Injuries Come in Many Forms

When you hit your head or suffer another type of trauma that affects the brain, the resulting injury is generally referred to as a “traumatic brain injury” or “TBI.” However, this overarching term can be used to refer to many different types of brain injuries that occur in many different ways. Determining the exact type of brain injury you have…

TBI Attorneys in Florida

Medical Research Regarding TBI

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex and mysterious injury. No two TBI patients have the same experience, as the effects of the injury can vary greatly depending on where the injury occurred on the brain and how much brain tissue was damaged. While some TBI patients make a complete and relatively swift recovery, others may suffer from severe impairments…

Tampa Bay

The Brain and CT Scans

The brain is perhaps the most complex and delicate organ in the human body. As has been discussed extensively on this blog, traumatic brain injuries are some of the most common, and dangerous, outcomes caused by automobile crashes. THE BRAIN As many of us know, the brain is a vital organ which controls thought, memory, emotion, touch motor skills, vision,…

Tampa Bay

How do I know if I’ve had a Concussion?

Despite the seriousness of a concussion, sometimes determining if you’ve suffered one can be a bit challenging. An impact to the head may be minimal and not lead to any immediate symptoms, however, if left untreated, it can turn serious. So what to do you if you think you’ve might have suffered a concussion? It is best to always err…

Tampa Bay

New Study Shows Extent of Damage from Mild to Moderate TBI

The damage severe traumatic brain injuries can cause is widely known. Victims of a severe TBI can suffer from many permanent cognitive changes, along with being in a vegetative state, and even death in the worst cases. All brain injuries should be treated with the highest caution, however, there is not much known about the severity of cognitive effects from…

Tampa Bay

What kind of Complications can I Expect after Suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury can be one of the most tragic injuries one can suffer. They are often a result from a trip or fall, car accident, or motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, these injuries can often result in permanent damage or death. Sometimes, however, one can also suffer temporary complications from their brain injury. INTELLIGENCE PROBLEMS CAUSED BY TBI After suffering…

Tampa Bay

Higher Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury Among the Homeless Population

We have previously discussed the varying symptoms of traumatic brain injury- ranging from changes in the brain injury victim’s ability to understand and absorb new information or remember previously learned information, to less obvious emotional symptoms like mood swings and depression. Recently, the media has focused on the emotional impact of TBI in discussing the suicides of former NFL player…

Tampa Bay

Should Boxing be Banned in Light of Brain Injury Concerns?

Recently there has been a lot of focus in the media on dangers associated with playing professional sports- particularly regarding the risks and dangers of traumatic brain injury. There are risks associated with participating in high contact sports like football and hockey. Recently, developments in the area of TBI research have caused professional boxing to come under some scrutiny as…

Tampa Bay

Mild TBI Can Result in Destruction of Soft Tissue

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries affect your life in many ways, but TBI has also been linked to the death of brain tissue after the initial impact. Dr. Sergei Kirov is a neuroscientist at the Medical College of Georgia Regents University, and his latest work has related to researching the damage that a head injury can cause to the brain in…