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TBI Lawyers in Florida

Even Mild TBIs Can Cause Cognitive Impairments

Traumatic brain injuries, commonly known as TBIs, are usually sustained in motor vehicle, motorcycle, pedestrian, slip-and-fall, boating, and other types of serious accidents. The extent of these injuries can also range from mild to severe, and the length of time it takes for a patient to recover from a traumatic brain injury depends primarily on the severity of the injury…

TBI Attorneys in Tampa

Common Damages in a Brain Injury Case

A brain injury can have a devastating effect on the person who suffers it. Not only can the initial injury be extremely painful or even deadly, but a brain injury can often result in health issues that last for decades. Each year, about 1.7 million people suffer a brain injury, and an additional 5.3 million in the United States live…

Brain Injury Lawyers in Tampa Bay, Florida

Brain Injuries Come in Many Forms

When you hit your head or suffer another type of trauma that affects the brain, the resulting injury is generally referred to as a “traumatic brain injury” or “TBI.” However, this overarching term can be used to refer to many different types of brain injuries that occur in many different ways. Determining the exact type of brain injury you have…

Tampa Bay

What kind of Complications can I Expect after Suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury can be one of the most tragic injuries one can suffer. They are often a result from a trip or fall, car accident, or motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, these injuries can often result in permanent damage or death. Sometimes, however, one can also suffer temporary complications from their brain injury. INTELLIGENCE PROBLEMS CAUSED BY TBI After suffering…