TBI Lawyers in Clearwater, Florida

Brain Injuries at Work

Brain injuries can happen on the job or anywhere and they are one of the most serious types of injuries that you can suffer. Brain injuries can also be difficult to definitively diagnose and the course and extent of the recovery process is often uncertain for a period of time. The most common signs of brain injury include altered behavior, loss of balance, blurry vision, confusion, and nausea, though different victims can experience widely varied symptoms and effects.

Common Causes

Many workplaces can be dangerous and it is important to take proper precautions against injuries. However, no matter how careful you may be, accidents do happen. The most common causes of head injuries in the workplace include slips and falls, falling objects, broken or malfunctioning machinery, and driving accidents. Those most at risk for work-related head injuries include people who work in the following industries:

  • Construction;
  • Factory work;
  • Firefighting;
  • Agriculture;
  • Law enforcement; and
  • Transportation.

Although these careers incur the highest incidence of brain injuries, it is possible to suffer a brain injury doing any kind of work. In fact, slip and falls are second only to car accidents for causing traumatic brain injuries at work,1 and a fall can happen anywhere – even in an office building.

Protect Yourself

Accidents happen but it is important that you take any precautions that you can to help prevent them in the first place. Wear the appropriate protective clothing and gear for your job. Make an effort to ensure that you are well-rested at work, that you eat healthily and are neither too hungry nor too full, and that you pay attention to your surroundings throughout the day. And most importantly, never drive when you are fatigued or are distracted by anything, especially your cell phone. The best plan is to avoid accidents in the first place whenever possible.

If you have had an accident on the job and are suffering from a brain injury or fear that you might be, it is crucial that you seek immediate medical attention and that you let your employer know about the accident in order to confirm that it did happen at work. The symptoms of a brain injury are not always clear and they are not always immediately apparent. Failing to seek proper treatment for a brain injury can be life-threatening. After taking the first important steps of seeking medical attention and alerting your boss, hire an experienced accident attorney to guide you on the path to financial recovery.

Contact an Experienced Brain Injury Attorney in the Tampa Bay Area for a Free Consultation

If you or someone you care about has incurred a brain injury while on the job in the Tampa Bay area, please do not hesitate to call the Dolman Law Group today. We have helped many clients with traumatic brain injuries recover financially for their losses including medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more. We know that every TBI can affect a victim differently and we will provide personalized attention and representation in every case. Please call our office today at 727-451-6900 or contact us online.

Dolman Law Group
800 North Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL 33765



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