Tampa Bay

Heighten Awareness After A Brain Injury

While it’s always important to seek medical care for a brain injury, it’s also important to stay aware of behavioral changes, as these may not arise immediately.

The good folks at the Head Injury Society of New Zealand have listed some key behaviors that could be affected, and friends and family of a brain injury sufferer should stay aware of these.

Physical changes from brain injury may include:

  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Changes in sexual interest
  • Vision problems

Some people may experience personality and behavioural changes such as:

  • Irritation and angry outbursts
  • Lack of tolerance
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Inappropriate behaviour in social functions

It is possible that the person will be unaware of the extent of these changes.

That’s the key for friends and family. The brain injured party might not be aware of his or her behavioral changes. So it’s important for those around the party to recommend continued medical care and possibly the services of a brain injury lawyer.

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