Traumatic Brain Injury
TBI, or traumatic brain injury, is the result of an outside physical force damaging the brain and causing an injury. Brain injuries are often referred to as “invisible disabilities” because, although they may appear physically and mentally sound, a person suffering from a traumatic brain injury could have a rapidly worsening condition which could prove fatal in the future. You may not be experiencing swelling, discomfort, external bleeding, or pain, but your brain may be in a state where reaction time is a major factor in your safety or survival. As the saying goes “don’t judge a book by its cover”.
What Are The Symptoms of TBI?
While it’s possible that someone suffering from a mild-to-serious traumatic injury could be showing little to no symptoms, it’s always useful to know what to look for. It’s always recommended to see a doctor and get an in-depth examination after sustaining head trauma—even if it didn’t hurt! Here are some clear-cut signs that something might be going wrong.
Visible Symptoms (should be noticeable by third parties)
- Dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, and/or vomiting
- Constant or abnormally high amounts of sleep; likewise, little to no sleep at all
- Fatigue, drowsiness; a state of disorientation, confusion, or daze
- Headaches or migraines
- Loss of consciousness for any amount of time
- Feeling or acting depressed or anxious
- Mood changes or swings
- Having a hard time concentrating or remembering
Invisible Symptoms (should be noticeable be the sufferer)
- Unusually sensitive to sounds or lights
- Blurred vision
- Ringing in ears
- Bad taste in mouth
I Bumped My Head What Should I Do?
Go to the hospital as soon as possible. Now let’s be reasonable, if you were shooting hoops with a friend and the basketball hits you in the head, chances are you’ll be fine; after all, your skull does provide some protection for things like that. However, if you have the means to get examined by a physician (i.e. health insurance) there’s no better option. A quick CAT scan could ease the stress for a nervous patient and even discover a life-threatening injury (such as a hematoma) that would have otherwise gone untreated. On the other hand, if you stood up to fast and smashed your head off of the kitchen cabinets, that warrants very good reason to go without question, regardless of your ability to or not.
So many different factors exist in a traumatic brain injury case. Everything from what caused it, where it was, what damage it caused, how much it will cost to treat, and whether or not it will be permanent. For example, premises liability cases like slip/trip and fall accidents due to unmarked wet supermarket floors or broken public stairs, injuries from a heavy product falling from the shelves, etc., will all spark different outcomes and actions.
If you or a loved one was/is suffering from a traumatic brain injury as the result of an automobile accidents or a defective consumer product, it’s important to know your rights! Someone may be responsible for these injuries but you’re not sure what steps to bring them to justice. Let the local Clearwater firm of Dolman Law Group assist you in your battle. With our heavy experience in personal injury, we aim to secure the compensation that you deserve. We offer a completely free consultation and case evaluation so contact us today to protect the health and well-being of you or a loved one.
Dolman Law Group
800 North Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL 33756
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Practice Area: Traumatic Brain Injury